Thursday, July 22, 2010

No Va

WE RECENTLY received an email urgently asking us to publish a missing person request. Obviously we're happy to do so and it's enclosed below in the hope that the more places it can be seen, the more chance there is of the person showing up fit, well, and in fine form.


"Dear Za Editor,

Vee hope you can help us find our friend, he haz gone missing and vee are now getting qvite vorried about him.

He used to hang about zee forums and zee shows vith new ideas and release fantastisch new ving designs every few months or so. He vos also a highly active member of our local branch of zee Innsbruck Marketing & Media Rotational Dinner Club but he now seemz to haff dissappeared off of zee face of zee earth. Vee are getting qvite concerned. Ze Polizei have told us to go home and vait for him as he is a grown man and a free spirit and can look after himself, so don't vorry. But vee can't relax, vee are vorried for him.

Vee sink zat he may have gotten himself invoved viz some extreme acro or speedving freeks and vee sink zat maybe why he has not been in touch vis the mainstream paraglidschirm community for such a vile.

If anyvone sees Hands Pampas, chief designer, big manager and all round good friend from NovaBling International.m.b.H please call us immediately as vee are missing him. Tell him to bring a new dezign viz him.

Hands vee miss you. Please come home.

best regards,
Bendi Toner,
(test pilot)"

Here's hoping he gets in touch. Good luck Mr Toner.

Pie in the Sky
Funnier than the 1972 "Robert Livingston Seagull patio door" accident