Monday, July 26, 2010

Painium Inum Arsicus

LATIN IS a fantastic, historic language and it's great to see it being kept alive in some circles. It's still in full use in certain groups around the globe, medical doctors use it to give clear and precise instructions to patients, catholic priests occasionaly raise their cassocks to give a choir boy a lesson or two and recently we've noticed it being used in some conversations on paragliding forums. Amazing!

Of course, it's only amazing if you actually understand it. Which is why we were left a little confused when we recieved an email recently in this amazing, but dead, language. So.... if there are any formally educated types out there who learned Latin while studying, or maybe a doctor or a priest, we would appreciate your assistance with the following. We simply don't know where to begin and have no idea what it's about, so would like to open it up to the community for assistance.


"Id Windtecum Zephyrium est absoluta maximus.

Is est optimus wingum umquam flownum inum mi spiritus vita. Il designmator est a genitor. Commodo tellum como super il isum.

Il glideum lapsus est optimus in mercatum procul 10.2 l/d mas maximus da illas Novatums. Il colori cultum es perspicuus especialus in redum mas da los Blozonums. La linea es cleanium e crispium como est no tenen wingleticuses como los feisimus Advancicums. Autem no ni necessitas RigiFoilicus como ilis Ginisantimums.

Il wingum riseum facile quod adveho overum vestri headum capitis sinum nullus problemums. Landum facilinious a humus est smoothicus e softicus. Comum il slightimum flareum.

Commodo dico todo pilotums como fantasticus is illa wingum.

Luvum e etc,
Veni, Vidi, Vici"

Anyone chipping in with a traslation or offering suggestions will receive one of our coveted "Pie in the Sky" coffee mugs by way of a thank you. By email.

Pie in the Sky
Funnier than the 1972 "Robert Livingston Seagull patio door" accident