Saturday, July 24, 2010

An Indian Sun

HOT NEWS is coming in that Sunni paragliders are relocating from wet old South Korea to sunny India in an attempt to solve specific corporate issues they've been having.

Hung Li KaMule, chairman and chief executive of Sunspot PG's, was quoted as saying, "It just became too much for us, to be honest. If we can't get DHL to understand it, how can we expect anyone else to get it right?". He went on, "After many years we've just given up, quite frankly, and have relocated ourselves to India in an attempt to get things flowing smoothly. It's going to be good for us, the future is blight."

After many years of missing wings, failed DHL deliveries and a FedEx van delivering 25 rolls of SkyTex-39 to Pyong-Yang by mistake the Sunshine Team appear to have simply given up and relocated. It seems that (Gwandgju City, Gyeonggi-Do) is too difficult for the worlds delivery services to understand.

So here's hoping their problems are behind them and, here at Pie, we wish them all the best in their new location. For pilots wishing to contact Sunshade PG's please contact them at their new address: Warehouse 24, Utkarsh, Mahaveernagar, Vakharbhag, Sangli.416416, Maharashtra.

Paragliders have also asked us to quote their full postal address to ensure nothing goes astray from now on:

Good luck Mr KaMule.

Pie in the Sky
Funnier than the 1972 "Robert Livingston Seagull patio door" accident