Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Web Security Reminder

PIE IN the Sky would like remind all readers of the importance of computer and website security, we would like our readers to feel secure in their browsing and to ensure that your anti-virus software is up-to-date, that your operating systems have the latest patches and that your websites are secure and tickety-boo.

With that in mind we were dead chuffed to be told off-the-record that there was to be a discrete display of online security testing organised by those adrenaline junkies down at Loup-la-Soup. Yes, Blozone had clearly decided it was time to run some system tests and they were planning to do it online on their public website and were happy for the whole world to watch. Looking for knowledgable input, we invited Pie-Labs© testing manager Jonathon "grep it" Wendler, along to watch the whole event.

"Sounds like madness to me", he said as we grabbed coffee & popcorn and sat down to watch the show. "I'm amazed anyone would try that sort of testing on their public website, it's not what we would recommend", he continued, "It's ballsy alright, no doubt about it, but then those boys from Blozone chuck themselves out helicopters, so maybe it's what they're used to".

Apparently, and as it turns out mostly without the knowledge or authorisation of Blozone execs, engineers, web-admins or anyone else at Blozone, their system tester, Boris "fsck-l33t" Kalashnikov, tested their systems for them. At 3am CET. Yes, you got it, your top reporting team witnessed the entire fiasco as it unfurled.

Ozone double-entry guru, Mike LlanfairCavanagogogoch, was happy to go on record, "I told them '123abc' was a stupid password, but they just wouldn't listen", he said, "They told me to focus on wing design & sales and that they would handle the website, graphics & other cool stuff. They said a man of my age couldn't be expected to understand the latest techy terminology."

"Well, let me tell you something, matey, by 5am they were well aware of the two new cool phrases 'Well fucked up' & 'It's your neck, sonny' ", he continued, "Oh, and to top it off, of all the people in the world to be surfin the bleedin' net at the one time we don't want it was you Pie bastards".
Forthright, but true, we felt.

Happy to assist the testing in any way the Pie journalists grabbed a couple of screenshots of the events as they proceeded to fully test their systems. The following images have not been edited as this would have made them worthless to the Blozone guys in their efforts to enhance website security.

Does this look like an website for PG's & kites or for a website to catch your own christmas dinner?

For the record, and to clear up any possible misunderstanding, both Pie in the Sky and Blozone openly reject violence in all its forms and if you have any uncertainty as to what this means, just break out that old CD player and put on some Lennon.

Red faces? Sometimes a balaclava just isn't enough.

Pie in the Sky 
Funnier than the 1982 "Airplane II" sliding door scene