Tuesday, July 26, 2011


HERE AT Pie we like to keep an eye on the general health of paraglider pilots and have recently been informed of a worrying trend.

Recently, the number of reported cases of what doctors call tracivitis, a recently discovered obsessive-compulsive disorder, have increased significantly such that we feel we should bring this to the attention of the general flying population.

Luckily, the symptoms are pretty easy to recognise so please take a long look in the mirror and see if you are suffering from any of the following; redness around the eyes, aching right wrist, difficulty sleeping, swollen right index finger, inability to use a laptop without the Googleearth plugin or a complete failure to recognise what your wife looks like any more.

If you find yourself suffering from any of these symptoms please try and confront the issue immediately before it takes over your life.

The General Medical Councils of most countries are offering the following advice; uninstall the Googlearth plugin from all your computer systems, throw your mouse away, remove all IGC & KLM files from your house, go outside for 5 minutes every hour during daylight hours, stop monitoring that PGF thread every five minutes, get a life or a girlfriend and, most importantly, go to the pub and drink a beer without your laptop or smartphone.

If all else fails and you find yourself unable to escape the evil clutches of this addiction, there are help groups and charitable organisations that can assist you with your fight, just Google tracivitis or Trackers Anonymous. Good luck!

We can only hope that this message and the advice from the worlds top medical experts will reach those in need before it's too late.

Pie in the Sky: helping addicts, one step at a time.

Pie in the Sky
Funnier than the 1494 "Leonardo da Vinci Training Hill" videos