"Ivor, do you prefer airbags or foam padding?"
"Airbags mate. You really can't beat 'em. There's nuffin' like the feel of a good pair of airbags in the morning when you've got a harness full and you're looking for somewhere to put it down. You see I'm not as young as I once was. For your younger pilot, there's goin' to be times when he comes in hard and fast and so he's going to need something pretty firm right. This is where your foam comes in. But with age comes experience and we older pilots tend to come in slowly with a more gentle touch. It's then when you really appreciate a good handful of them there airbags. To tell you the truth, if you put your head in a pair of airbags on takeoff you could miss a full cycle. It's been known for pilots to lose an entire days flyin' by takin' a pair of airbags with 'em."
Wise words indeed.
Pie in the Sky
Funnier than the 1972 "Robert Livingston Seagull patio door" accident
Funnier than the 1972 "Robert Livingston Seagull patio door" accident