WELL IT rather seems that they just won't let us die in peace. Thanks to a few emails landing in the dusty editorial in-tray here at Pie we've had our arm twisted into putting together a new team. A dynamic group of individuals, keen to race up the slopes of journalism and launch themselves into the stormy leeside abyss that is satire, are throwing together wit at a level unseen before in the world of paragliding journalism. Maybe.
The cobwebs have been cleaned from the printing presses, the dried ink bottles replaced with the latest liquid-ink ballpoints and the vintage Remington thrown out and replaced with the latest in golfball electric typewriters. We're keeping the stupid barcode logo though, so shove it. [err... enough of the bullshit, where's the funny stuff? - Ed]
The cobwebs have been cleaned from the printing presses, the dried ink bottles replaced with the latest liquid-ink ballpoints and the vintage Remington thrown out and replaced with the latest in golfball electric typewriters. We're keeping the stupid barcode logo though, so shove it. [err... enough of the bullshit, where's the funny stuff? - Ed]
Pie in the Sky
Funnier than the 1972 "Robert Livingston Seagull patio door" accident
Funnier than the 1972 "Robert Livingston Seagull patio door" accident