Raw Feedback

We always like to receive communication from our readership, no matter what the content.

Over the years we've received plenty of emails telling us just what you think of Pie and where we should shove it. Most emails are complimentary and usually pretty funny, but occasionally we receive the odd remark from someone who simply failed to get it, took it personally, or simply wanted to vent their spleen in our general direction.

Well... fuck it...

Here they are then, raw and unedited the "Pie Feedback". The good, the bad and the unfunny.
We've only made changes to ensure anonymity.

To those who sent them, you know who you are. (and we know where you live)

Chief Editor

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Dear Pie in The Sky

I was just made aware of your recent article entitled: "British Team Scandal" , where you state
"First things first, here at Pie in the Sky we are responsible journalists and as such we're not given to exaggeration. We only deal with facts. It is a fact that Bruce Goldchain, Steve Jamon-Serrano, Rusty Ogler & Avian Tomas are members of the 2007 British Squad heading off to Vanilla and here at Pie we have every admiration for them. They try hard and fly bloody fast and what more could you want from a national team? Especially a team that doesn't have access to dedicated charity websites where starving Ethiopians can donate 14K to help pay their international flight costs, as at least one other country does."

As president of the XXX Paragliding Team XXXXXXX web-site, we were so happy to read your article recognizing how important the Ethiopians were to XXX fund raising efforts. I was really surprised how many Ethiopians actually stepped up and made donations after they read your article. I wish you would have mentioned how many Iraqis stepped up and made donations. The Iraqis were so excited to be a part of the XXX Team. We have done so many great things for the Iraqi people and they just wanted to show us some appreciation. In fact, I just received a package from  Iraq today. I havent opened it yet, but I think it's a clock, because I can hear some ticking inside the box
Anyway, thank you for helping our cause

XXXXXX Paragliding Team, XXXXXXXXxxxxxxxx........

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Dear XXXX,

Here at Team Pie we are always happy to discover that our thought provoking and well researched articles have fallen on understanding ears.

It is this sort of customer feedback that allows us to move forward with confidence, knowing that our readership is getting what they want and that they understand where we stand. It always amazes us that our readership are willing to take a few seconds out of their day to urge us on.

Based on our own personal experiences in such matters, may we be so bold as to suggest a course of action with respect to your new package: Don't open the box

All the very best,
Team Pie

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Subject: Cease and desist demand for Pie In The Sky
From: Swiss Legal

Dear Pie in The Sky,

Only joking mate, great January issue!


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Dear XXX,

Fucker :-)

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Dear Pie in The Sky,


Police are investgating the mysterious death of Buck Daily, who was found
slumped over his keyboard on Thursday afternoon.  Chief Inspector Simon
Slowly appealed to the paragliding community for help, saying: "We realise
that each and every one of you wanted Mr Daily dead, which means we have a
list of several thousand potential suspects. Any help in reducing this list
to a manageable number would be much appreciated."  Chief Inspector Slowly
dismissed reports that Daily simply died laughing at his own jokes as
"fantasy -- they're not /that/ good".


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Dear XXX,

You C*nt :-)

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Subject: Pie in the Sky - I'm suing you

Dear Pie in The Sky,

You bastard. Are you saying that I'm like Sasha Baron Cohen?

Go and see the Borat movie, if you don't know what I'm on about :-)


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Dear Pie in The Sky,

There's now lots of material.

Logo thing my arse. Illustrator. Laughable.

Massive gang warfare between urban artist Sticky B, bi lingual poet and rapper XXXXX and and the Russian posse. New design of the "colors" for the XX gang was what triggered the disagreement.

Russian posse threaten to teach XXXXXX and Sticky B "some respect" for the family.

How good are you at lampooning when most of the lampooning incidents involve you?


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If I gave you a taster, would you promise to keep it to yourself and not say a fucking word?

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Dear Pie in The Sky,

Nahhh, surprise me!! I'll wait. I'm still thinking about the Sticky B and CU Next Tuesday story end of this month or early next. Will that be surpressed? ;-) ;-)


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Dear Pie in The Sky,

No worries - feel free to take my name in vane, I enjoy pie!

Hope you get a fattening quantity of top-out reward sweets this year.


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Dear Pie in The Sky,

I'm going to have to write a lampoon of your "Native english speakers" post.


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Hi Duck,

My post was ALL IN FUN, mainly poking at XXXXXX for getting all huffed-up about that other rumor.

While I'm at at it, is there any thruth to the rumor that the title "free flying duck" came from a sign at a lauch site that said, "Free Flying: DUCK!"


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Subject: Prick

You see this as a laughing matter?

Dont be a prick... @#$%^&@#$%.


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More mails will follow when we dig them up...

Pie in the Sky
So funny you'll forget your legstraps