Monday, October 4, 2010

Finding Pie

WE ALL know how to find things on the net right? Just pull up your old friend google and get searching, we all do it. For many of us it's part of our job, sitting there day after day using the google search engine to help us with technical issues or find reports that let us do the job of two people for only one salary. Long gone are the days when you phoned down to the office clerk and he or she looked up the details for you and called you back.

These days, if it's worth knowing, google and friends will have it indexed, cache and referenced for you. All you need to know are three or four key words that will get it on the first page of the search results. Let's face it, when did you last read the second page of results? You just refined your search terms right?

Well, it would rather seem that many readers are simply too daft to save a bookmark and have to google us when they fancy a slice of Pie. Unknown to many surfers, thanks to the wonders of modern technology, these search terms are available to us here at Pie. Yes, that's right, we can see what you [Yes, you - Ed] typed into google to find Pie. So we've taken a sample of your search terms and here's what we've found.

Quite frankly, it beggars belief that the second most popular search is "latin jocks", and it's the number one search used by Canadians. Whatever these girls (or guys) are looking for, we're pretty confident their not going to find it here at Pie. Likewise, "naked figures" features quite highly, and we're a little worried for those who've been using the 17th most popular search "xxs condom". The consensus here in the office is that we'd be pretty quick to clear our browser caches if we had to search for a pack of 3 using the phrase "xxs". Again, we can only presume that the guys who were looking for "blonde marketing" may have been a little disappointed to discover paragliding satire, rather than a Wonderbra ad designer. The least said the better about those who were searching for "pie in her face" as we also felt it rather suggested an unhealthy interest in something left-of-centre.

You couldn't make this stuff up. And we didn't.

We would also guess that someone has been looking for old friends, when we spotted the search "Thomas Pie", which we concluded was our old friend and part-time wedding photographer, Avian Lomass. We're also confident that top designer Hands Pampas has been looking for us as several searches for "Sky Vings" resulted in a visit to Pie, or maybe a group of travelling German pilots have been trying to find the BPHA online magazine. Of course, we hope they eventually did.

There are some more abstract searches that have led the casual visitor to us, "things could be worse", for example, is a rather strange search and we hope they eventually got in touch with a self-help charitable organisation that could be of more help. Google has a strange way of relating their results too. For example, some visitors were searching for "skypax", a FedEx type parcel service, and yet Pie appears fourth in google's search results. Go figure.

3 years ago when releasing our "Manilla 2007 Mini-Special" celebrating Bruce Goldchain's victory at the Worlds we, among other lighthearted endeavors, defined the verb "Brucin". Of course, at the time we never imagined we really were in the process of defining it, but as it can now be found as the fifth definition on clearly we were. Please do try and keep this in mind next time you're playing Scrabble and are down to a few difficult letters.

So there you have it readers, it really is a strange world-wide-web and clearly the all-seeing, all-knowing, internet God does not, in fact, know it all. Let's face it, when your start out in business calling your new enterprise "BackRub", would you really expect to become the worlds biggest provider of internet search results? Just google it, they really did!

Pie in the Sky
Funnier than the 2009 "A320 Hudson River" bridge collision