Tuesday, October 3, 2006

Parole Rights

IT IS coming to our attention that certain ex-cons in the US are being given unparalled access to free-flying sites as part of the new California Dept of Corrections "Keep em off the streets" rehabilitation campaign. John Tightwad, Chairperson of the California Free-Flying Association, was on-site and clearly not happy, "I had to dive into my kids college fund to get my last wing", he said. "and here are these car thieves & muggers getting them for free".

We sent our undercover photographer, Steve "Sidewinder" McShutter along to Marshall, California and he got these images of ex-cons obviously enjoying the smooth soaring conditions prior to using that 8.34567 glide ratio.

Please note the lack of any fully-functioning automatic speedbar retraction system in these images. Disgraceful.

Pie in the Sky
Funnier than the 2001 "Bognor Regis Birdman" videos