KEEN NOT to let the fun continue the Swiss Police are getting in on the new SpeedGliding craze of "Bombing down a mountain and almost killing yourself" with the introduction of the new "SlopeCam" (see picture).
Leutnant-Oberst Franz Klammer of the Polizeidepertement spoke to the press yesterday saying, "Affter lotz of analiziz ve haff found zat the breaking off all zerr radioz is not stoppin zee pilots from zerr flyingz. From November ze first ve vill be issueing speeding tiketts on ze vay down zee hills."
"Ze location of ze speed cameraz is a zecret and one veech no amount of torturez can divulge."
It took Pie 60 seconds of browsing with Google to find the "" website which lists all known and future locations of the webcams. The available downloads should keep you up-to-date until next year when the new range of BraunRazoriger varios are due for release. The latest generation of varios will be SlopeCam-Aware© and it should be possible to programme-in an audible alert. Thus allowing pilots to keep their eyes on the slopes while flying down mountains at speeds over 200kph.
Pie in the Sky
Funnier than the 2001 "Bognor Regis Birdman" videos
Funnier than the 2001 "Bognor Regis Birdman" videos