Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Handz Back Home

WE ALL like happy endings, and it would seem that last months "Missing Persons" request has greatly assisted in finding a poor lost soul. It would seem that Hands Pampas has been found fit and well and is back at work where he should be.

We received a very nice thank-you note from NovaBling International m.b.H thanking us for our help with the search. It's enclosed below so you can all see what a great idea this internet-www-thingy is in keeping people connected and helping out brothers in need.


"Herr Editor,

Zankz wery much for publisching our reqvest for help last month it seemz to haff vorked. Ve are wery wery reliefed.

Hands rolled into vork ze ozer day and iz back to hiz usual zelf. He haz been bringing za bagels and za cofee in for breakfast and everyzing, just like za good old dayz.

Vee zink he may actually haff been on a course or somezink vizout tellingk us, because he seemz to be efen better zan before at za marketing stuff. Alzough he haz only been back for a few dayz now, he iz already makink za numberz zound good and haz been publisching all kindz of fantastisch statisticz.

He haz brought viz him a vonderbar new dezign for za veekend vombatz viz hiz new-and-improofed Mental-2 EN-B ving. Hands iz zo good at zis, he iz already up to hiz nutz in remarkable claimz und outlandisch glide ratioz for our new littel baby.

Vonce again he iz uzing hiz old chestnut, 'Never in the field of free flight was so much owed, by so many, to so few. With this one small step for wings and one giant leap for L/D, we got it through the load test'.

See... zingz are back to normal again.

Vonce again, zanks for all your help in zis matter and if zer iz anyzing vee can do for you just let uz know.

Volfi Lecher,
(Repairz Dept) "

So there you go reader, another happy ending and another mystery demystified. And it's nice to see Hands back to his usual self too.

Oh... err... come to think of it... In terms if return favours, the Chief Editors Mamboo is winging across Europe as we speak, so if you could service it and fix that bloody great hole in record time I'm sure he'd be most grateful ;-)

Pie in the Sky
Funnier than the 1933 "Graf Zeppelin No Smoking Sign" thefts