Thursday, January 23, 2014


LANGUAGES ARE living beings. It seems they rarely sit still long enough to be caught and killed. They're always on the move, and as we pass through this life we can witness their change. Sometimes daily.

Occasionally a word, that for many years you'd only heard now and again, pops into daily use for no apparent reason. Sometimes it's being used differently than how it was before, like.

There are many examples to choose from, especially in this modern, wired, mobile, tweet-a-face-friend world were hooked into; "hoody", "bling", "hater", "unfriend", "tolerance",  "tweet"...

Hang on... rewind... tolerance?

Ah, yes... "Tolerance"....

tol·er·ance  [tol-er-uh ns]
  1. a fair, objective, and permissive attitude toward opinions and practices that differ from one's own.
  2. concern for ideas, practices, etc., foreign to one's own; a liberal, undogmatic viewpoint.
  3. the act or capacity of enduring; endurance.
  4. a permitted variation of a specified quantity, especially in the dimensions of a machine or part.
  5. the power of enduring or resisting the action of a poison, drug, etc.

It struck this editor recently [as many things do - Ed] that many in the PG world might wish to peruse the various definitions of this word.

 - perhaps the wing manufacturers might wish to take note of 5).
 - it might be a good idea for pilots worldwide to take 1) & 2) on board.

 - maybe Air Turkey could revisit 4).
 - we're guessing that Blozone may wish to read 1), 2), 3), 4) & 5). (especially 3)

We very much wanted to add SIVL to the list but, although we're pretty confident they can write well, we're not sure they actually bother to read much. 
We also wanted to add a 6), but we bottled it at the last minute. It was something to do with half a metre. [or something like that - Ed]

Pie in the Sky
Funnier than the 1972 "Robert Livingston Seagull patio door" accident

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Blozone Warrants...

AN ANONYMOUS mail through the letterbox appears to have woken the editor...

Upon further investigation, it seems to be a Blozone Gonzo 2M EN certificate.
Make of it what you will...

(click to enlarge)

[Non-native English speakers should take note of the various ways "warrant" may be used - Ed]

Pie in the Sky
Funnier than the 1972 "Robert Livingston Seagull patio door" accident